Investigate three lanes and seven lanes of Wuyishan B & B


Wuyishan City is located in the northwest of Fujian Province
The only emerging tourist city named after famous mountains in Fujian Province
It has rich historical and cultural relics
The designers of Puyu landscape studio conducted an investigation of ancient buildings in Wuyi Mountain from January 5 to 6, 2018

There are many guest houses in Wuyishan
They are either literary nostalgia, or hidden in the mountains
Each B & B has a unique decoration style
On the first day, the designers made a B & B visit

Huaxi Hall

"Huaxitang cultural tourism hotel" is located at the foot of the beautiful Wuyi Mountain and in the Wuyi water village surrounded by streams. The hotel has all kinds of rooms and independent restaurants; Outdoor leisure platforms are scattered in every corner. The room design is based on warm yellow and decorated with various artistic works, with beautiful style and leisurely interest.

Live together in the mountains
"One garden and one courtyard, living together with the mountain" in the prosperous market adjacent to Wuyishan Scenic Spot, you can meet "living together in the mountain" when you walk into the lane. There is a courtyard before entering the court, so that the incoming people can slow down. The clean and concise exterior wall lines and large-area glass windows have no superfluous complexity and show off, so that people are close to the space.

The hall is equipped with a tea house to welcome the boss and the president of the tea College of Wuyi University
Warm and polite, please sit in the tea house and offer the most famous Wuyishan stone milk

Quiet tea tasting, pure brick wall and warm fire
As if I came home and took off my fatigue

the second day

The rain continued, holding an umbrella
Walking through the three lanes and seven lanes of the ancient city is so poetic
The brick houses with red lanterns hanging high are quite ancient
The long winding bluestone road is clean and tidy
Many people also put different kinds of green plants at the door
The outstretched branches seem to attract us from afar

The three lanes and seven alleys in Fuzhou ancient street district began in Jin Dynasty, became in Tang and Five Dynasties, and reached its peak in Ming and Qing Dynasties. The ancient pattern of lanes and lanes has been basically preserved. It is the only "living fossil of Lifang system" in Chinese cities.

The magnificent layout and exquisite details all reflect the harmonious, restrained and elegant traditional cultural connotation represented by Confucian culture. There are more than 200 ancient buildings preserved in the lane, including 15 national key cultural relics protection units. It is a rare "architectural museum of the Ming and Qing Dynasties".

From the late Qing Dynasty to the early years of the Republic of China, there were a large number of people who had an important impact on China‘s modern process, such as Lin Zexu, Shen Baozhen, Yan Fu and Lin Juemin. It was known as the "modern celebrity settlement".