The first stop of Puyu landscape culture in 2018 - Xiangmi Park


At the beginning of the new year, everything revived. On the afternoon of the second day of the new year, that is, the afternoon of Friday, February 23, Puyu landscape studio opened the first investigation and learning trip in 2018 and organized employees to collectively investigate Xiangmi park. I hope you can read more and learn more in your spare time.

▲  Xiangmi park plan

Xiangmi Lake Park opened on July 19, 2017. It has been highly praised since its opening. It is located in the center of Futian District, adjacent to Xiangmi Lake in the East, Hongli route in the south, and surrounded by nongyuan Road, Zetian Road, Qiaoxiang road and Xiangmi Lake Road in the West and East, covering a total area of 424000 square meters. Xiangmi park used to be an agricultural land with complex business forms and messy environment. Now it has been transformed into a comprehensive large-scale municipal park integrating ecology, leisure, wedding and reading. The transformation is very difficult. Let‘s take a look at the beautiful park after the transformation one by one

Tourist Service Center
(Ivy teahouse)

Let‘s start here
White wall, grey tile, green bamboo and red bridge body
There is a simple and elegant beauty combining Chinese style and modernity

Yelin Avenue

Most paving sites here use permeable bricks
Reserve the function of natural water absorption of park land

Air plank road

The plank road is curved, forming a high and low staggered shape, with a maximum of 8.8m
It is the most distinctive place in Xiangmi park
It‘s also the place where everyone has the deepest memory after they go
It passes through the top of more than 100000 square meters of litchi forest
It‘s like being in a natural oxygen bar

▼  Stand on the bridge and look at the park

▼  Roof moss planting

Nature exhibition hall

The nature exhibition hall connected with the plank road is the highest point in the park
Here you can overlook the central area of Shenzhen
You can also overlook a large green litchi forest

Rose Garden Wedding Shrine

The rose garden beside the nectar lake is the most romantic place
Next to it is the marriage registry
The designer specially designed the ambulatory and path in the registry
Add beauty and sweetness to the newcomers passing by

Children‘s playground

There are four children‘s playgrounds in Xiangmi park
Each playground has different characteristics
It is a place that children like and has gathered a lot of popularity

Xiangmi Sports Center

Built in the Sports Center
3 football courts, 6 basketball courts and 7 Tennis Courts
These venues are available for a fee


Boulevard under litchi tree
It is made of small stones
There are bricks on both sides of the stone to prevent the stone from slipping out

Ecological dry stream

It is built by using the original gully in the park
During rainfall, the dry stream stagnates to store water and passes through aquatic plants
Water conservation and purification of water body by seepage and purification of structural layer at the bottom of the stream
Guide regional rainwater collection and strengthen the ecological effect of "sponge"
In dry season, dry streams are formed by landscape stones, pebbles and various plants

Environmental education square

Beside the plank road in the middle of the park
Large vertical green wall design is very eye-catching

Jing Silin

Mirror invisible design, bold and ingenious conception
But the sharp corners around have great hidden dangers

Overtopping stage

The pools are stacked like terraces
There is also an opening in the middle
When the high pool is full
The water flows down the opening layer by layer

Under investigation

In addition to the several scenic spots described above
The designers discussed the design concept of the park all the way
Through leisure trails, ecological water systems and air trestles
It connects four functional areas: sports and leisure, mountain forest and orchard, ecological water system and flower life
Realize the diversified integration of "Park and city" and "landscape and life"


The picture park is beautiful and the smile is more beautiful

Note: the picture was taken by Puyu landscape studio. Please indicate the source.