☞puyukanyu☜ Feng Shui small knowledge series (05) - Feng Shui and Chinese traditional philosophy


Feng Shui small knowledge series (05) - Feng Shui and Chinese traditional philosophy. The ancients of China believed that the orbit or law that all things and people in the universe must follow was called "Tao". Tao is the core category of Chinese traditional philosophy. About Tao, there are the Tao of Laozi and the Tao of Zhouyi. The Tao of Laozi is the world origin of "born in nature". The formation process of the world is "Tao generates one, two, two generates three, and three generates all things; all things negative Yin and hold Yang, and rush Qi to think of harmony". The order of all things is "man follows the earth, earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and Tao follows nature" (here nature does not mean nature, but nature). The significance of Lao Tzu‘s Tao is that it excludes the will and dominant role of religious gods and embodies the abstraction and metaphysical thinking of philosophical theoretical thinking. It not only produces and determines the highest reality of all things in the world, but also with its majestic and mysterious, it is difficult to grasp the sense and language can not describe. Therefore, it is "Tao can be Tao, extraordinary Tao; name can be name, extraordinary name". The Tao in the book of changes refers to the law of the existence of all things in heaven and earth, "the metaphysical is the Tao, and the metaphysical is the instrument"; Involving the way of life philosophy, the book of changes. Shuoguan Zhuan: "the way to establish heaven is Yin and Yang, the way to establish earth is soft and hard, and the way to establish people is benevolence and righteousness". The Tao in Confucius‘ Analects of Confucius refers to the code of conduct in life. In the feng shui theory system, the meaning of "Tao" mainly comes from the book of changes system, which emphasizes the ideal realm of harmonious coexistence of life, nature and society.