☞puyukanyu☜ Feng Shui Tips (02) - what is Feng Shui


Guan‘s geography refers to Mongolia: "all things are born to take advantage of the Qi of heaven and earth". This sentence means that all living things in the world exist by relying on the gas field formed between heaven and earth, that is, all things in the world live and exist in the gas field space formed between heaven and earth (the ancients had understood the material world for a long time). Gas is invisible and invisible, but it can be felt that it is almost a concept like the western "field", and the West uses "Ether" To describe it.

"Funeral book": "when the wind blows, the air dissipates, and the boundary water stops". It means that air can float with the wind and be defined by water. Wind and water are the two factors controlling air. "Funeral book": "the ancients gathered together to make it, and there was no end to it, so it was called Feng Shui". This was the ancients‘ free control of Qi through wind and water, that is, they controlled all living beings in the world. In short, Feng Shui is used to control "Qi". Talking about Feng Shui without the purpose of "Qi" is Feng Shui. "The method of Feng Shui is to get water first, followed by hiding wind." (we should be careful in using water for landscape, and if we use water well, it is the first.) please read the above statement from a materialist point of view.