☞puyukanyu☜ Feng Shui small knowledge series (04) - basic principles of Feng Shui


Feng shui knowledge series (04) - basic principles of Feng Shui: the last article talked about the classification of Feng Shui, so what basic knowledge is needed to gradually understand and learn Feng Shui? The basic principle of Feng Shui is very simple. In fact, as we all know, it is the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements. Whether it is Xingfa (situation sect), Lifa (Liqi sect) or Japanese Dharma, they all come down to the mutual generation and restriction of the five elements: gold water wood fire earth; Xiangke: gold wood earth water fire. The following picture, I hope you all remember, is to draw a five pointed star in a circle, and the relationship is in it. In fact, this principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint is always used in our Han people‘s daily life. For example, the idiom "soldiers come to block, water comes and earth covers". Water comes and earth covers, that is, earth conquers water. There are countless examples. Another example is the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan. The government built the Raytheon hill and the God of Fire Mountain hospital in 7 days. What‘s the reason for this? Because COVID-19 causes lung lesions, and the five rows of the lung belong to gold, fire and gold. The Chinese ancients were very wise. They summarized the world with simple materialistic elements - gold, water, wood, fire and earth. They summarized it very accurately. Everything is in the five elements. The following five element allocation table is recommended to be collected and retained. Here comes the small question. What are the five elements of a house? What are the five elements of office?