Birth of a new home of jade landscape


A landscape design studio

What kind of office environment should it be,

What kind of office atmosphere do you want to create?

Our original dormant place is the first new home we built ourselves. It is located in the old Xinghua Industrial Zone in Shekou. Although it is warm inside, the surrounding environment is poor and there are no supporting facilities.

With the development of modern designers and graduates, great changes have taken place in their ideas, which are mainly reflected in the requirements for the environment. First, the office environment is warm and comfortable and convenient for lunch break (nap is a big problem). Second, the office is fully equipped. There are various public meeting rooms in the building, as well as public catering area, coffee and tea bar, terrace garden, gym, swimming pool, basketball, badminton court, etc. (in those years, we just graduated to find a job. If we don‘t want to change careers, it‘s good to have a place to stay. Where dare we have so many requirements).


▲ Shenzhen free trade center swimming pool

Third, convenient transportation, very close to subway stations and bus stops (time cost is also an important consideration for the boss).


▲ Shuiwan metro station entrance / exit D

Fourth, the surrounding catering is convenient, and there are rich stores to choose from within 10 minutes (as we all know, living in a region for a long time, the surrounding catering is still familiar and numb soon).

Fifth, it is also very close to the business district, which is convenient for shopping, watching movies, watching performances, etc. (some of this year‘s graduates were born after 1998. Work is only an option in their life, but it can‘t stop their colorful life. I can‘t help but wonder how our old picture dogs came back in those years).

▲ Sea World

▲ Huigang

The attitude of our studio has always been vigorous and resolute. We will do whatever we say, and never procrastinate or act at both ends. So although the contract didn‘t expire, we began to find an office in Shekou. Soon, we locked Shuiwan 1979 - Free Trade Center building at exit D of Shuiwan station of Metro Line 2. We visited upstairs and downstairs, which fully met the above conditions. Moreover, the high-rise has a good vision, overlooking Shekou port, and the office service is excellent.

▲ High rise of Shenzhen free trade center overlooks Shekou Port


Each floor is equipped with a beautiful housekeeper in the uniform of Shenzhen Airlines stewardess (now pay attention to appearance. The higher the appearance, the greater the responsibility). Although the rent is expensive, we did not hesitate to choose the largest office on the third floor (the third floor is cheaper than the high-rise, but the grounding gas and other services are no different. We are not a financial company, so it‘s better to be pragmatic)

On April 29, after paying the deposit, the commercial manager of Party A who adhered to the principle sent us the house type plan CAD. I began to study Feng Shui, ancient architecture and Book of changes from university (the author‘s goal in learning Feng Shui is not to be Wang Banxian, but to understand the design of ancient buildings from the perspective of the ancients. Of course, one day, there is no confusion in landscape architecture. There is no problem in changing to be Wang Banxian. Maybe he will earn more, but if he is a Banxian, the loss will be too great. Why not tell you! If he really wants to know Tao, please add my wechat 13825276190, ha ha). After more than 20 years of research, I‘ll take a look at the feng shui of the new office, determine the auspicious star position and disaster star position, and prepare to explain it to the interior designer.

(by the way, many people often talk about feng shui. What‘s the use of Feng Shui? According to the burial Sutra, "those who bury also hide and take advantage of anger", "Qi, take advantage of the wind and dissipate, boundary water and stop. The ancients gathered to make it stay, and there is a stop in the exercise, so it is called Feng Shui", which can control "Qi" Feng Shui is not an object, not a noun, but a verb

I invited my friend, interior designer Kelvin, who used to be the design assistant of Hong Kong Interior Design Masters Gao Wenan and Huang Zhida

▲ Interior designer Kelvin

Kelvin and I met at first sight this spring because of a project in Xi‘an. We hate to meet late. Many design concepts are very close to the concept of life. For example, his understanding of design is that we should not talk about design all day (just like a large number of soft articles now). The work of design is outside the design. I deeply think so and feel it! During the year, he worked and rested for half a year, took care of his children in person, traveled with his family and lived the life he wanted, which made me envy. I briefly explained the requirements and gave Kelvin as much space as possible to design the space according to his understanding. Kelvin has given the greatest support in the design fee! Soon, Kelvin took out the first round of scheme. On Enscape, he explained it to us with a model. After two rounds of scheme modification, we are very satisfied. On the specific design, we unconsciously reached a consensus on these points.

First, the core tube of the building is in the middle, and the rooms at the four corners are directly facing the corridor, which has the problem of collision. Usually, the ancient courtyards were covered with two doors or shadow walls, and the interior was basically covered with porches and shadow walls. This is the way of Dashun controlling water and blocking. Kelvin used Dayu‘s method of flood control to cancel the shadow wall of the porch and let the hedge through the past, so as to liberate the space of the porch. This is the biggest highlight and breakthrough of this design! What happened later has come true. Let‘s sell it first and talk about it later. (it may be that the boss of Guangdong pays too much attention to Feng Shui. The interior designers mixed in Guangdong can soon learn the feng shui theory of interior design and apply it to the practice of interior design. On the contrary, our landscape specialty is doing the so-called "new Chinese style" every day. Many people don‘t study what Feng Shui is.)

▲ Corridor hedge photo

Second, Kelvin is very interesting. He didn‘t systematically study feng shui theory like me, but he instinctively grasped it. The southeast corner is the worst position in this space, which is consistent with what I calculated according to feng shui theory. The southeast position is the foothold of the most disastrous star, which is also called breaking the army. The five elements belong to gold, so it‘s better to set fire objects, fire conquers gold, or water objects, Golden water.


Third, the most auspicious star in this room is angry, also known as greedy wolf. The five elements belong to wood. The foothold is the location of the teahouse, that is, the location of the wealth position. According to the idea of Cantonese, the boss‘s office is usually placed here. We are a partnership system, not a lecture hall. Combined with the design of space, we still put the teahouse in this location. The five elements of the teahouse belong to water, aquatic wood and Wangcai, ha-ha

My room is the foothold of auspicious star Yannian (also known as Wuqu, the five elements belong to gold). My five elements belong to gold, and gold and gold cherish each other. It‘s OK. In practical use, the guests like the teahouse, making tea and sitting on the sofa.

Fourth, when the first round of scheme was put forward, the office area designed three frameworks. Kelvin explained that the design space is the energy of the design space. We should gather and transmit positive energy, and make employees like the office space, feel comfortable and have work passion; The design inspiration of the framework comes from feathers. Make a soft cut of the office space. At the beginning, I didn‘t dare to speak. I think this design is too bold. Moreover, there are many smoke detectors and spray ports on the indoor ceiling. In this way, it is easy to block it and the fire can‘t pass. So, I took this preliminary plan, one by one for fire fighting. Fortunately, these three structures basically did not block the smoke detector and sprinkler. Our partner Yuan Gong believes that the design company should have its own personality, so he insists on adopting these three frameworks. Therefore, we have always passed and recognized this practice.

▲ Three frame renderings


The first is basic lighting. Instead of using ceiling lamp or pit lamp, he uses LED lamp belt and puts it on the edge of "feather". I have no spectrum for LED lamp belt lighting. Practice has proved that the effect is very good, there will be no stimulation of focus light, make full use of diffuse reflection, no glare, and look at the LCD very comfortably.


▲ Lighting effect


In addition, he set mirror stainless steel beside the south window edge to introduce outdoor light into the room by using the diffuse reflection during the day, so as to increase indoor lighting and reduce the power consumption of turning on the light.

▲ The mirror stainless steel diffuses the outdoor light indoors


After the scheme is determined, we will start the construction drawing immediately. After the construction drawing comes out, we will find the decoration unit for quotation, select the construction unit, handle various construction procedures, select a good day, and start the tense construction. At this time, more than 20 days have passed. As it is a Class A office building, it coincides with the college entrance examination. The construction time is strictly regulated and it is not allowed to work hard. Therefore, the progress is slow. For us, we have to pay rent in two places in two months. The price is too high. Moreover, just after the construction, the formaldehyde can not exceed the standard and can not stimulate the taste. The company and designers are preparing for pregnancy, so, Kelvin strictly controls environmental protection. Kelvin works very carefully. On the basis of ensuring environmental protection, various lamps, furniture, carpets, etc. selected provide us with samples. If we are not satisfied, we will discuss again and again to find what everyone can accept and maintain the consistency of the overall style. Any elements inconsistent with the design style will not be selected. We stressed to the construction unit that the plywood, wall paint and other building materials used in woodwork must be environmentally friendly. I bought a formaldehyde tester to test formaldehyde at any time. It‘s good. The formaldehyde content in the whole process is lower than that in our old office. (HCHO is the molecular formula of formaldehyde, indicating formaldehyde. TVOC refers to total volatile organic compounds, including volatile organic compounds such as benzene, toluene and xylene. The national standard stipulates that the concentration of formaldehyde in indoor air should be less than 0.1mg/m3; the concentration of TVOC should be less than 0.60mg/m3.)

Due to cost control, there are several minor regrets. First, the original design of the entrance area was pebble combined with Tingbu, which is a very garden like entrance space. Because of the construction and cost, it was changed to floor glue (now think about it, this design should be adhered to, and the effect will be better),

The second is that the volcanic rock with strong texture was originally used behind the bookcase, and finally it was changed to real stone paint (of course, the volcanic rock has good texture, but real stone paint is also acceptable).

The most important thing is that Kelvin originally had a 30 high platform for the entrance channel, water bar and tea room, and used Kesu board. Kesu board has good texture, hard and anti-skid, but the price is expensive. The wool board also costs 600-800 yuan per square meter, and it is difficult to construct. Once we calculated that the cost should be increased by more than 50000, which greatly exceeded the budget, we cancelled these platforms and paved carpets. However, at Kelvin‘s insistence, the entrance channel still retained the platform. He stressed that this was a Feng Shui consideration, but the carpet was paved instead.

The air conditioning of the building was turned off at 8 pm. I brought some ice drinks to the construction site to see the workers working. The construction site was extremely hot. The carpenter worked with his bare arms and sweat. I stayed for 5 minutes and ran away quickly. It‘s not easy to do anything these days!

According to the original construction plan, it was completed on June 20 and moved before July 1. However, on June 22, the carpenter completed the withdrawal, and there were a lot of painting, various installation, carpet laying, furniture and other work behind. Moreover, I looked at the days. Friday, June 28, was the auspicious day of moving, and there were only 5-6 days left. I was very nervous. Therefore, it is planned that on the 28th (Friday), we will move symbolically and start moving. On the 29th (Saturday), we will move here at one time, tidy up the day on the 30th (Sunday) and officially start working on July 1 (Monday). The specific process is cumbersome and complex. Moving a house is basically a layer of skin. Pave the carpet on the 24th, and immediately throw the two boxes of odor absorbing bags bought in advance evenly on the carpet;

On the 25th, arrange furniture to enter the site. Our office card holder is from Foshan. It has a great sense of design. Sitting up at the station is more comfortable than some large tables

At noon on the 25th, the furniture arrived. The office building requires that the furniture can not be moved from 11:30 to 14:00 to ensure that the takeout staff can easily use the goods elevator and rest the employees in the office building. So, I let the workers go to dinner first, and I went back to dinner. I vaguely felt that I had forgotten to explain something. I was nervous. When I ate, I remembered that when workers should move furniture, they should pay attention to safety and don‘t break things! When I came back and entered the door, I was so angry that I almost fainted on the spot. I missed this sentence. Sure enough, the real stone paint in the corner of the bookshelf in the corridor at our door hit a big gap!

Afterwards, Kelvin and I agreed that it was God‘s will and the price we must pay to resolve hedging. (the following are the reasons why you can‘t look at Feng Shui casually) you see that those Feng Shui gentlemen in Hong Kong make a lot of money. In fact, you may not know that the Tao of heaven says that the secret of heaven can‘t be leaked. If it is leaked, it must be punished. In short, the price of Feng Shui gentlemen is a loss of life. So a few years ago, I often helped my friends watch Feng Shui. Later, I was punished. I realized that this is a warning, so I will try not to watch Feng Shui and try not to publicize that I know Feng Shui. I also want to live a few more years and enjoy this beautiful world. If I really want to see it, I can charge a few dollars for symbolic ones. This is the rule. As we all know, the typical case is the intersection of Yan‘an viaduct and North-South viaduct in Shanghai. During the construction, the pile cannot be driven. Finally, ask an old monk. The old monk said that this is the location of the Dragon Cave, so the columns of the viaduct here are carved with coiled dragons;

▲ Shanghai Yan‘an elevated dragon column

There are also sculpture designers in Shenzhen yifangcheng who caught a dragon to do business. The day before its completion, they paid the price of their lives (however, yifangcheng‘s business is very good. There are five kinds of dragons. The dragons he caught are accurate. Why, add my wechat, you can chat privately, so they won‘t be open here). There are many examples. You can see them online.

▲ Yifangcheng dragon sculpture

The card seat is arranged. On the 26th, the strong current and weak current will be installed immediately. This time, in order to be comfortable, the strong current and weak current are placed on the inner side of the card seat, not on the ground. This is relatively neat, but it increases the construction difficulty of workers.

On the 27th, all the weak and strong current and various LED lights were installed. At this time, they lit up and had a feeling. I immediately took some photos and sent them to Kelvin. He was very excited and left a message: "such a space makes people think. They are gradually philosophers".

According to the plan, on the 28th, I began to move symbolically. In the evening, I moved the server and other core important equipment first. The designers of several projects still worked late to catch up with the drawings on their computers, and others began to pack. On the 29th, the moving company pulled three carts, moved all the things, and then began to tidy up. My old waist is very tired these days.

On July 1, everyone went to work as scheduled. There was no smell of formaldehyde, but there was also the smell of new materials and decoration. Everyone would not be dizzy.

▲ Settled in a new office environment


Since there are five air-conditioning outlets in the room, four of which blow directly at people, it is not complicated to solve this problem. Just buy an air-conditioning windshield on Taobao. The problem comes. Our ceiling retains the original state without ceiling, and the steel beams and various pipes are painted black. Kelvin emphasizes that black windshield must be used. There are few black windshield on Taobao, What should we do? Our designers are perfectionists and have obsessive-compulsive disorder. We found a way to solve it. We had an idea and bought a white windshield and black spray paint. I finished the spray paint work in the litchi park next to the building. However, I was bitten by the landlord (mosquito) and itched. This is the price to pay. Go back to the office and install it. I‘m very satisfied!

Finally, several important objects have not been determined. One is that our door plaque has not been made, the other is what sculpture is placed in the position of the most disaster star, and the decorations on the three columns have not been selected. These three are the most difficult. Kelvin‘s opinion is that it doesn‘t need to be determined immediately. Let‘s run in with the space first, find the feeling, and then choose.

The first is the plaque. We don‘t have a porch, so we can‘t make and install the traditional horizontal large plaque. Kelvin‘s suggestion is to ask the calligrapher to write the words "jade landscape" on the rice paper, mount it and hang it on the wooden grid inside the gate, so according to the scene, carve the size. I invite Mr. Feng Yueli, vice president of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, to come out, Mr. Feng, Very supportive. I wrote two fonts, one is regular script and the other is Wei stele. They were mounted, stamped with our seal and sent to us. I like both of them very much. I solicited everyone‘s opinions in the circle of friends and chose regular script based on the principle of mutual appreciation between refined and popular tastes. Hang it up, how do you see it, how do you like it, ha ha.

▲ Regular script and Wei stele

The three Jazz white pillars, as envisaged by Kelvin, are a small stage. I can change the ornaments regularly. What ornaments do I choose? At the beginning, I thought of doing a project in Hancheng, Shaanxi Province. There are many ancient auspicious animal stone carvings there, so I found my friends there, selected some photos, and asked other experts. The advice I gave was that the auspicious animal placed on the column is very similar to the horse tied stake. The horse tied stake is usually outdoors, which is not elegant, and it is used too much now. We are indoors; It‘s better to put some sculptures or bottles indoors. At the beginning, choose a vase with a full sense of design. Imagine that flowers are often replaced. Finally, the feeling is that the vase is not suitable here and the stage is too small (the vase is usually better matched with the table). Finally, Kelvin recommended a white porcelain Feitian sculpture and Feitian sculpture in Dehua, Fujian Province on Taobao. We usually see many and know each other, but I know the white porcelain in Dehua. After drinking oolong tea for so many years, we all use white porcelain tea sets. The lard white in the white porcelain is made of No. 1 Soil (about 30000 yuan a ton). The fired porcelain is crystal clear and full of texture, It can be viewed from a distance and observed near. After looking at the sculptor, it was Mr. Zhou chongdeng, who was rated as the master of Arts and crafts in Fujian Province. He reviewed the size of the sculpture and put it on our column. It was just right and decided to place an order. He contacted master Zhou directly. Master Zhou learned that we were engaged in landscape design and offered us a lot of concessions. He just had a small request and helped him publicize it properly. There are five sculptures in the normal group. I chose pipa, waist drum and flute. A few days later, the sculptures with full texture were placed, equipped with lights, which improved my taste a lot. Of course, some people have questioned whether it is too classical. My answer is that we first spend thousands of yuan to try. These three pillars are actually three small stages. In the future, we can often change the decorations according to our mood. Since we have this fate with Feitian, we can put them on for a period of time.

▲ White porcelain flying sculpture

The last and most difficult one to choose is the sculpture opposite to the scene of our gate. As mentioned earlier, this position is the most disastrous star - the foothold of Jue Ming. The selected sculpture is either water or fire, which generates or conquers each other. At the beginning, Yuangong fell in love with a Trojan horse to form a sculpture,

It looks good. The five elements of the horse belong to fire. It happens to be Ke Jin. Moreover, from the gate, it feels ready to come out. On Taobao, several companies have made this sculpture. The pictures are almost the same. I don‘t know who uses it for reference. The price is very uniform. The cheapest one is more than 10000 yuan. Kelvin recommended us to take a good look at the Shenzhen Art Exhibition Center, saying that the good things there were beyond our imagination, so we immediately drove to the art exhibition center on Saturday afternoon. The art exhibition center is very large. There are several buildings. We got off the bus and immediately entered the first building. After a while, we saw the horse on Taobao. Yuangong looked at it for a while. Later, he said that it was different from his imagination and didn‘t choose it. After a while, Yuangong fell in love with a red maple bonsai sculpture at first sight. As an alternative, we continued to visit.

▲ Love at first sight red maple bonsai sculpture

All kinds of works of art are dazzling, which is completely beyond our imagination. I think there is such a good place in Shenzhen. Why didn‘t I know before?! After visiting three buildings for several floors, I felt tired and my waist hurt again. Yuangong had several pleasant options. Later, I felt that the products of some stores were the same, the components of mutual reference were high, and the quality could not be improved. However, I also found several stores with great pursuit, one of which was Tianyu art store (phase I 3028 of the Art Exhibition Center). The sculptures inside were called works of art, which made me happy, The lady sculptures displayed inside are vivid and have strong artistic appeal.

According to the on-site manager Chen, the boss studies art and has a very strict pursuit of works. Therefore, the cost is very high. In fact, he hasn‘t made any money in recent years in order to realize his ideal! I thought, how did we feel about it? So we added WeChat, Chen‘s manager, and then paid attention to the official account of their company. After that, they would definitely appreciate it, and they would buy the appropriate sculpture.

After making a big circle and comprehensively comparing the prices, Yuangong finally decided to choose the bonsai sculpture he fell in love with at first sight, so he found the store (A045, first floor, Ronghui home art Mao Center), and immediately asked his colleagues to review the size according to the size of the space,

After bargaining with the on-site Beauty Manager Li Qing, she asked the boss. The boss heard that we were engaged in landscape art and gave us appropriate discounts. Of course, he also hoped that we would publicize them more, so it was done. On Monday, the red maple bonsai sculpture was placed in its due position, and everyone was very satisfied.

However, you may forget that there is still a problem of Feng Shui here. Jinke wood, that is, Jue Ming Ke bonsai. The red maple and tree stump are really dead trees, but the leaves are red simulated leaves, not live red maple. If you don‘t worry about being killed, you can enjoy it. A space is not only lucky stars and no disaster stars, but lucky stars and disaster stars are distributed according to rules.

Behind the focus sculpture, we designed a green plant wall, which is our old profession. We just let the construction unit do a good job in the foundation, and we plant designers do it by ourselves. They chose the green plant wall with high simulation degree from Taobao. After receiving the goods, the beautiful green plant wall was perfectly presented in only one afternoon. As the background wall of red maple bonsai sculpture, it is very ideal.


▲ Green plant wall

So far, the work has been completed. We go to work every day with appreciation and taste, and enter the work post through the channel of ritual feeling.

▲ Ceremonial passage

Colleagues like to bring their families to have a look, and then turn on all the lights to enjoy the light show together. All the neighbors came to visit with approval; According to the beauties of the floor housekeeper, we are the second house in this building to decorate ourselves, which is the most beautiful interior design. A few days after we settled in, they specially sent us a jubilant Fortune Cat. Thank you here!

Slowly, we began to invite some friends to make a cup of tea and have a chat. On August 3, we held a small thank-you reception. I specially chose Bordeaux‘s 2010 Top year lion vice brand (the lion winery is connected with the first-class winery lato. It is one of the five largest first-class wineries capable of challenging Bordeaux‘s tradition. It is called "super second-class winery" by ordinary experts ), please taste it together。

▲ Small thank you reception

▲ Flower arrangement presented by Mrs. Yuangong

So far, our new home began to carry our ideals and continue to move forward.

Our business ideal is to inherit Chinese traditional culture, keep pace with the times, and focus on the practice of traditional culture in landscape design in the future. For 30 years, please wait and see!

Note: most of the pictures are taken by Pu Yu landscape and photographer Huang mingui. Some pictures are from the Internet and are only for learning and reference.