Sk arch. & D Shekou imagination Feng Shui‘s application in contemporary landscape


On September 18, the 03 # exchange meeting of SK arch. & D Shekou creative association was hosted by Puyu landscape studio. Wang Juntao, the person in charge of our company, held a professional landscape Feng Shui exchange meeting with the theme of Feng Shui application in contemporary landscape.


Shenzhen is the first Chinese city to be awarded the title of "city of design" by UNESCO, and Shekou has gathered many famous design companies at home and abroad. SK arch. & D Shekou Creation Association is initiated by Shekou‘s urban planning, architectural design and landscape design company, in order to share many years of design experience and experience, So that we can reach a deeper height in art, so as to better serve the society.

The exchange meeting is divided into two forms: conference room lectures and free communication at leisure cocktail parties.

Conference room lecture

In the conference room, Wang Juntao selected and concentrated his feng shui knowledge without reservation, and talked about the application of Feng Shui in contemporary landscape. Feng Shui sounds mysterious, but it is not far from us. Geomantic omen has been the art of relating to the earth since ancient times, emphasizing the harmonious concept of the unity of heaven and man. The emergence of geomantic omen theory can be said to be a manifestation of people‘s pursuit of an ideal environment.


At the lecture, Wang Juntao said: "my purpose of studying Feng Shui is not to be Wang Banxian, but to understand the site selection and planning, architectural design and garden planning and design of ancient cities and villages from the perspective of the ancients, so as to better inherit Chinese traditional culture, serve contemporary garden landscape and carry forward it."


In just two hours, Wang Juntao began to talk about the theory of Feng Shui, deeply talked about the impact of Feng Shui on the site selection and planning layout of ancient Chinese gardens, stressed that garden planning and design should pay attention to the coordination with environmental factors, reshaped our design thinking, and immediately increased our knowledge after listening to this wonderful speech.

Free communication at leisure reception

Outside the conference room is a bar. This field is designed for free communication. At the end of the lecture, everyone gathered here to see the beautiful scenery, taste wine, taste delicious food, and share the bits and pieces of life and work.

Group photo on site

The whole communication process benefited the design partners present a lot. The seemingly simple design requires the designer to have rich experience, which is a responsibility for the designer. Puyu landscape studio adheres to the design concept of "returning to nature" and pursues unlimited ambition with the heart of the craftsman.