Good news Puyu landscape studio won the AHLA Asian habitat landscape award


After half a year‘s application, review and publicity, the 2020 AHLA Asian habitat landscape award came to a perfect end at Sheraton Hotel, Bolin Tianrui, Shenzhen on May 15, 2021.


In this competition, 218 enterprises participated, with 1031 applications in four directions and 16 sub categories. The Ningbo Guojian Wanli courtyard designed by Puyu landscape studio stood out and won the AHLA Asian Residential Landscape Award, culture, tourism and hotel Excellence Award.

1.Asia Habitat Landscape Award

The epidemic situation in 2020 has not only brought unprecedented impact to the world, but also made people pay more attention to the ecological health of their living environment. In the post epidemic era, re-examine the value of landscape in the process of urbanization, coordinate the relationship between urban development and natural ecology, return the landscape to serving people and stimulate people‘s participation, which requires the common strength of the human settlements industry.
In order to promote the sustainable development of residential landscape and promote the exchange and interaction of residential landscape industry, Asia habitat landscape award was jointly initiated by landscape week media platform, landscape state media platform, hhlloo design network and Tala Thailand Landscape Architecture Association.

AHLA Asia habitat landscape award has become an influential and appealing design award in China‘s landscape industry because of its high-quality jury lineup, rigorous selection process and open selection mode.

The judges of this competition are divided into preliminary judges and final judges. The judges invited international experts, academic experts, real estate experts, etc. each judge‘s resume is shining.

2.2020AHLAAsia Habitat Landscape Award颁奖典礼

At this award ceremony, Mr. Wang Juntao, head of Puyu landscape studio, and Mr. Yuan Lin, design director, were invited to attend the event to witness the glorious moment of our company.


3Appreciation of award-winning works










