How to apply feng shui knowledge in contemporary landscape design


On July 31, due to the success of last year‘s Feng Shui lecture, Wang Juntao, the person in charge of our company, once again held a professional landscape Feng Shui lecture in the conference room of Shenzhen free trade center with the theme of "the application of Feng Shui in contemporary landscape".

The lecture included leaders from real estate companies, landscape associations, landscape designers and friends from Barcelona who watched the live broadcast.

Feng Shui is a mysterious art with a long history of the Chinese nation, also known as green black art and green bag art. A more academic saying is called Kanyu. Feng Shui is originally the art of phase and earth. It is a philosophy of studying the law of the environment and the universe. Since man is a part of nature, nature is also a part of man, reaching the realm of "unity of heaven and man".


Wang Juntao started from the theory of Feng Shui, deeply described the impact of Feng Shui on the site selection and planning layout of ancient Chinese gardens, stressed that garden planning and design should pay attention to the coordination with environmental factors, and reshaped everyone‘s landscape design thinking.


On site, everyone listened very carefully, recorded the wonderful parts with mobile phones, and there were difficult knowledge points. Wang Juntao explained in combination with case analysis, so that everyone could understand as much as possible, and the knowledge increased instantly after listening.


The whole lecture benefited the audience a lot. The emergence of Feng Shui can be said to be a manifestation of people‘s pursuit of an ideal environment. After listening to this wonderful speech, we have another dimension to think about how to build a better home in the landscape.