Jade landscape · wait and see Tengchong‘s "Stone Age"


Jade landscape - wait and see

Tengchong is a place I yearn for very much. There are several reasons. First, it is the place where the Chinese and American allies began their counterattack in World War II. Unfortunately, it blew up the ancient city wall of Tengchong. Second, there are hot springs here. The hot sea has hot springs with real sulfur flavor and other clear springs with various characteristics.

Yunnan Province is also my favorite tourism province. The name of each place feels so romantic. Finally, I had the opportunity to do a project in Baoshan. I immediately thought of shitouji and Heshun ancient town in Tengchong. Tengchong is a county-level city, belonging to Baoshan area. After Baoshan site investigation, we took a bus and took the expressway for 2 hours to Tengchong. When you enter the urban area, you feel that the small city is very clean and comfortable. Maybe it is the reason for the epidemic. There are not many people and it is very quiet. The municipal greening is very beautiful. Wherever you go, it is carefully designed. The asphalt roads are clean and smooth. The camphor planted on the main roads are big trees that have grown for many years. Some central green belts are planted with very huge cedar, It feels like Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I looked at my watch. It was about 1600 meters above sea level.

Rent a car in China, rent a car and set up the navigation. We and our colleagues set out to shitouji happily. The navigation shows that the distance is 47 kilometers. It‘s still quite far from the city. With a relaxed mood, we drove along the county-level highway, through villages, towns and farmland. Fortunately, we drove on the plain without taking mountain roads, surrounded by mountains in the distance.

At a T-junction, we stopped and saw a sharp mountain in the distance. There is a traditional building on the mountain, which is estimated to be the Yunfeng mountain road view. I thought that the ancient immortals could set up Taoist temples here, which shows that this is a place full of immortality.

After driving for more than ten minutes, we came to a gate. The stone texture on the gate building has been seen many times in the photos and is very familiar. It must be shitouji hot spring resort. The stone in the middle of the door says, Yunfeng mountain, which should be the main entrance of Yunfeng mountain scenic spot. Shitouji hotel is still inside. Continue to open a short mountain road. On the left are the courtyard buildings of shitouji. After a sentry gate, you come to the lobby building of shitouji. Here you are.

▲ Yunfeng mountain main entrance

▲ Stone Age lobby building

Shitouji is that each group of courtyard rooms is equipped with a housekeeper for one-to-one service. If you have any requirements or want to know, you can directly ask the housekeeper for answers or arrangements. Last night, the housekeeper Xiao Yue called me, asked me about my expected arrival time, and added our wechat. The next morning, Xiao Yue also told us to pay attention to safety on the road. When the car arrived in the lobby, Xiao Yue was waiting at the door with a smile. The bellboy took our luggage out of the trunk, put it on the battery car, and then drove our car to the parking lot. Xiao Yue took us to the front desk to check in. First, he arranged for us to sit on the sofa. The waiter sent us drinks and towels. We waited happily for a while. After completing the check-in formalities, we took the battery car with Xiao Yue to our room. This operation is as like as two peas in Karuizawa, Hong Kong.

▲ Dialogue with hotel housekeeper Xiao Yue

When he arrived at the room, Xiao Yue first introduced our courtyard room and how to use it. Our suite is the second level of the resort hotel. It is a parent-child room, including one large and one small, two master bedrooms and one living room. Three concave shaped rooms surround a courtyard. There is a soup basin carved from a whole stone in the middle courtyard, as well as an outdoor spa bed and a pair of rest seats, The living room and two bedrooms are facing the courtyard. The bedrooms are large floor to ceiling glass windows and electric curtains. As soon as we put down our things and understood our compound, we couldn‘t wait to ask Xiao Yue to show us the first level compound. At the first level, the layout is similar to ours. It is also concave, including two master bedrooms, a big bed room and a spa room. The master bedroom on the south side has large glass windows on both sides, one side facing the landscape outside the window and one side facing the courtyard bubble pool. There are two spa beds in the spa room. Guests can fully enjoy the private spa in their own room. The market price of this room during the epidemic was about 7K. I observed from the outside that there were still many guests living in this apartment.

After visiting the guest room, we immediately strolled around the courtyard. Like many people, through photos, I feel that buildings have dense phobia. However, when you actually come to the scene, the space feeling (heart field) is still very comfortable. Mr. Kengo Kuma still tries to integrate the building with the natural environment. The building volume is small. The building facade selects Wuding sandstone, marble, Shangri La white marble, Shidian beige, Yunlong bluestone and Tengchong local volcanic stone. Six different stones are used as materials to design 108 stones of different sizes and thicknesses, Detailed drawings have been made for the stone collage of each wall, and rigorous numbering has been made during construction; He matched these stones with scattered colors and inlaid concave convex, and realized the perfect masterpiece of "no repeated wall in any two square meters"!

Kengo Kuma is a famous architect in Japan. He put forward the design concept of "negative architecture", emphasizing the integration of architecture and natural environment and "let architecture disappear".

The public courtyard space of the hotel is carefully designed and makes full use of garden plants. However, the pen is simple and unique. Some small spaces and corners can outline different meanings with a few strokes. In addition, a large number of local plants are used in planting. From Gaoligong Mountain, a lot of big trees, Ma Ying azalea, are transplanted. The locals call it Ma Ying Hua. The lobby is facing that one. It is said to have a history of more than 300 years (in fact, I‘m muttering whether it‘s illegal to transplant these big trees).

▲ Small space

▲300 year old horse cherry Rhododendron

The whole park consists of about 450 courtyard houses, of which 50 are owned by the owner and operated as shitouji hot spring resort, and the remaining 400 are saleable properties. We turned around in the courtyard of the hotel and walked to the gate of the scenic spot on foot. As soon as you come in from the gate of the scenic spot, it is a large square with Yin-Yang and eight trigrams patterns. You can park. The center of yin and Yang circle is the cut hedge and stone respectively. There is a small hill on the left. There is a group of shed buildings on it, which makes us interested. So we climbed the hill and looked at the shed. We felt that it was a half pull project and deserted there. Later, we learned that the original Star viewing platform here was designed.

▲ A large square with Yin-Yang and eight trigrams at the entrance and exit of the scenic spot

A deserted Observatory

After the Bagua Plaza, there is an entrance, that is, the door of the 400 sets of sales properties, which is in a closed state. We see that there is no obstruction, so we go straight in and walk along the main road to the hotel lobby. There are compound courtyards on both sides. The building volume is small. The interior and interior courtyards are not decorated and designed, and are in a state of concrete, It is estimated that it is usually a paradise for wild cats and dogs. On the side of the main road is a modern style water drop from beginning to end. Of course, there is no water. I feel that the landscape effect is relatively stiff.

▲ Barren external sales properties

Go back to the lobby of the hotel and see a hall where sand tables and promotional videos are placed. Go in and visit.

▲ Sand table in the lobby

In the hall, I saw a tea table at the door. I was thirsty and wanted to drink water. It happened that a beauty in uniform walked out in the hall, so I asked the beauty for a cup of tea. The beauty was very enthusiastic. She immediately sat down and made local Pu‘er tea in Yunnan. When we talked, it turned out that her name was Jessica. She was a senior manager of shitouji hotel. She was the operation director, responsible for the operation management and marketing promotion of the hotel. She said that the whole Yunfeng mountain scenic spot and shitouji are a boss. The boss is a very caring person. Developing this project is more to realize the boss‘s personal ideal and pursuit. As we all know, Tengchong has an anti Japanese plot. It is the first battle of the Allied strategic counter offensive, that is, attacking Tengchong. Ask Japanese architect Kengo Kuma to design, it will be misunderstood by many people. Chinese and Japanese cultures share the same origin. Maybe Japanese architects have a deeper understanding of the meaning of "Zen" and can more accurately express the boss‘s pursuit, so the boss made a great determination to invite him. In this mountain dozens of kilometers away from Tengchong City, what form should such a resort be designed to present to the world? The boss and Mr. Kengo Kuma repeatedly communicated to let Mr. Kengo Kuma understand his ideas, which is what we see in the end. The name of the early project was not shitouji, and the boss did not publicize it, but rather carried out marketing through circles. Later, shitouji hotel management company was invited to conduct comprehensive management on the operation, publicity and sales of the hotel, and officially launched "shitouji" for publicity.

"One person‘s Lijiang, two people‘s Dali and one family‘s Tengchong", the best and most expensive hotels in Yunnan are in Tengchong. Tengchong is a Han culture circle. There are real volcanic hot springs, unique humanities and master Kuma‘s design, which make shitouji famous all over the country with Tengchong. Last year, the occupancy rate reached more than 70%, which is a good achievement in high-end resort hotels.

I said that the people of Shenzhen have made contributions to Tengchong and shitouji. Many cities fly to Kunming and then transfer to Tengchong. We have direct flights in Shenzhen, which shows how much Shenzhen people love Tengchong. Tengchong has hot springs and Han culture circle, which is very similar to some tourist cities in Japan; Tengchong is a quiet tourist destination. The cost of coming to Tengchong is not low, so some consumer groups are automatically diverted. Therefore, a considerable number of people who come to Tengchong come to high-end customers in Yunnan, and even their families come for leisure and vacation to enjoy rare peace of mind. (subtext: don‘t be so commercial like Lijiang Dali)

Jessica brews US Icelandic tea, an ancient tree, which is very resistant to brewing and tastes sweet. Making tea and chatting is a rare enjoyment of life. It is also a rare fate to have a close communication with the hotel management.

For dinner, we had an improved hotpot in the hotel, with local beef, fungi and other seasonal vegetables. It was delicious and a little supportive. We also had a pot of local characteristic Dendrobium juice. During the meal, I saw many parents coming to dinner with their children. Although many guests came to stay during the epidemic.

▲ Dinner hot pot

After dinner, I walked around the park. At the entrance of the lobby, there were staff wearing national clothes waiting by the pool for guests to light lotus lights. The hotel has organized many characteristic experience activities for guests to choose, enriching the activities of the resort hotel.

When the lights are on, walking down the mountain, the hotel lobby is better integrated with the surrounding environment, exuding a charming charm.

How comfortable it is to soak in the hot spring and have a good sleep on such a quiet night. However, in the afternoon, we received the design task and needed to cooperate with the building to apply for two plane schemes. There was no way, so we went to two groups of people. The home creator made a scheme, and the peer creator also made a scheme.

The bubble pool in the courtyard is carved with a whole stone. Call the front desk to inform the water injection. It will be filled in a few minutes. The design of this bubble pool is very reasonable. It‘s very comfortable to sit and lie down.

▲ Courtyard pool filled with hot spring water

I was soaking in the hot spring in Meimei. The gardener began to write fast and didn‘t sleep all night.

▲ Yuan Gong in scheme creation

The hotel is equipped with capsule coffee and dry red and white in the Central Valley of Chile (charge). When we were walking, the waiter delivered the good night special drink, wrote warm blessings on the green leaves, and clearly wrote the food "white seed kernel tremella soup, red jujube buffalo milk, honey seasoning and cookies". The beverage was packed in a Thermos Pot. I know that this buffalo milk is the milk with local characteristics. These delicious things can be left to Yuangong for supper.

The next day, I got up early, went to have breakfast and prepared to climb Yunfeng mountain. For breakfast, I choose Chinese food, which is a local feature - stone pot. It is prepared with boiled soup. The temperature is very high. One of the three staple foods is wild fungus bait silk, fresh flower rice noodles and thin bean flour Baba. I choose wild fungus bait silk I have never eaten before. I immediately add it to cook while taking advantage of the high temperature of the soup. It is very delicious. According to the experience of living in Guangdong, all the good things are in the soup, I finally drank a pot of soup. My friend from Yunnan praised me very much. He said that all the good things were in the soup。

After breakfast, take the battery car to the gate of Yunfeng mountain. Hotel guests take the cable car up the mountain for free. The architectural style of the gate of the scenic spot is the same as that of shitouji. The cable car rises slowly, looks around the mountains, clouds and fog, and feels very comfortable. The cable car arrived at the station and climbed for more than 20 minutes to reach the Yunfeng mountain road view on the top of the mountain, overlooking shitouji.

▲ Standing on the top of Yunfeng mountain overlooking shitouji

A friend of mine, who has invested locally, is not an insider. He said, "looking down from the mountain, the buildings in shitouji are very special and feel like no buildings". This is probably the best interpretation of Mr. Kuma‘s thought of "negative architecture" from the perspective of an ordinary consumer.

Jade landscape · wait and see | please continue to pay attention!