What do you think of the design of children‘s amusement facilities as a landscape designer of "under


I have been engaged in the landscape industry for many years and have been responsible for the landscape design of many parks or residential areas, including children‘s activity sites. In previous years, I paid less attention to children‘s activity sites and facilities than now. In general design, I reserved areas. The construction icon of many facilities is "purchase finished products", but now I pay more attention than in previous years, Many equipment and facilities are specially customized and processed, which is a great progress in the development of the industry.

But as a landscape architect, do you really understand the world of children? If you don‘t understand, how to design? Before my family Dabao was born to primary school, it was the busiest stage of my work. I didn‘t have much company. I felt very guilty and felt that I had lost a lot of good times, so I made up my mind to accompany Er Bao after he was born. Er Bao was born in April 2016. He is a boy, whose nickname is Shanshan. From birth, I often play with him whenever I am free. When I am unhappy, I want to go home and hug my baby. Everything is resolved. From being able to turn over and climb to being a toddler, he began to take him to the north square of the downstairs community to play with other babies, but the problem came. At the age of three, he still couldn‘t speak, which was obviously slower than that of his peers.

▲ Start taking the children to the square
The kindergarten we chose is a private kindergarten called "Wei Ming" near my home. It is located by the sea. The gate is the western section of the coastal leisure belt. The scenery is beautiful. Next door is the international school. The group is headquartered in Beijing. I went to the official website to see that the school running system is complete, including the whole process education system from kindergarten to pre University, and the quality requirements for students are relatively high. As it happens, I have a friend of Party A in Beijing who works in the Engineering Department of this company. He is responsible for transforming the existing schools in the country. This kindergarten is also in his transformation plan, so he found me and I helped him do the transformation design of the entrance gate. It‘s not easy to talk about the design fee. He just gave it free to support the education cause! As we all know, in previous years, Shenzhen only focused on economic development, resulting in a shortage of public resources, especially schools, kindergartens and hospitals. This kindergarten meets our requirements. When our children want to go to kindergarten, we ask this friend to say hello and enter the kindergarten smoothly. We start from the half day shift. After a month, the teacher informed the parents and asked the children in the half day class to turn into the full day class as much as possible. For a three-year-old baby who can‘t speak, he can‘t take care of himself and can‘t express himself. We certainly don‘t agree to change to a full-time class immediately. Then the kindergarten head teacher said, my baby and another little girl in the same class, if they can‘t meet the requirements, go away at the end of this semester! I and the girl‘s parents were very angry and went to the principal. I said, the children sent to you are also your children. Do you want to get rid of them irresponsibly?! I know the people in your group headquarters. It‘s meaningless to use the people in your headquarters to pressure you. Besides, I sponsored the transformation of your gate free of charge. I have to say this. The head of the kindergarten is very polite. The general meaning is that if he can‘t take care of himself or speak before school starts in September, he has to go away. But it blew me up!!! Go home and discuss. I won‘t go here next semester.

▲ Shenzhen Bay Coastal leisure belt

This private enterprise, with a style similar to the "white, yellow and blue" kindergarten in Beijing, aims at efficiency and also wants to be listed in the United States. However, once the education industry is closely combined with capital, the school running idea must be crooked. For example, in order to publicize, their head teacher‘s little sister made such a rule that every child should buy gifts for other children on their birthday, and then more than 20 children in the class took collective photos with gifts, and the teacher sent a circle of friends and class groups to show off. The question is, in this way, several children celebrate their birthdays every month. Do they have to buy gifts, expensive or cheap? Is it appropriate to add financial burden to parents? Do parents agree? This is a show, not the edification of morality, wisdom, beauty, body and labor. I object.

Summary 1: treat children with a correct attitude. If everything is for profit, it deviates from the original intention of education, and so does landscape design.

In view of the child‘s slow development, I made up my mind to accompany my children more. Therefore, starting from the beginning of school in the autumn of 2018, I sent my children to kindergarten in the morning and left work as early as possible in the evening to accompany my children to play in the downstairs community. Flash insisted for 3 years. Now the children can speak and play well with the children in the community. During the five years I played with my children, I just played with my children at first. Later, I was surprised by my development!

Our community belongs to the old community put into use in 2003. Slowly, the community began to age. There are "Yuyi village" and "Yuer village" in the surrounding city, which we jokingly call "Yusan village". Later, a new industry committee was elected. Under the leadership of the new industry committee, the property management company was replaced. Everyone had money and made great efforts to transform the community. In 2019, they won the title of "China happy community", the only national brand in Guangdong, which was selected by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development. There were a total of 10 in China and promoted as a leading demonstration area of socialism. Of course, during the transformation of the community, our Puyu landscape studio also provided free support.

Outside the north gate of the community, there is a T-junction. Yucun road is facing the north gate of our community. As we all know, Guangdong is very particular about feng shui, so in architectural design, a gossip mirror is set above the gate to solve the problem of hedging. After entering the gate of the community, it is the North Square, and a new national flag platform and flagpole have been built on the south side of the square to fly the national flag and Feng Shui double insurance. Therefore, under the national flag, it has become a place for everyone to have a leisure party.

The center of the community is the central garden and a swimming pool on the roof of the basement. There is a pebble revetment stream and pool surface from west to East in the central garden. From the perspective of landscape design, there are mountains and water, and the landscape effect is rich. However, as long as children go to the water, parents will be nervous. I strictly stipulate that children can‘t play by the water at night, otherwise they will be punished. During the day, when children run to the water, I‘ll follow them as soon as possible.

▲ Central garden Waterscape

As a parent, I have repeatedly suggested to the industry committee to fill in the landscape water body of the community, but as a landscape designer, my own emotion is that landscape designers who have brought children may not design like this. Looking at the beautiful landscape water surface, it actually leaves potential safety hazards. The child fell into the pool in the community. It is estimated that many communities have happened.

Summary 2. The community shall design as few streams and water surfaces with potential safety hazards as possible.

As soon as I was free, I took my children to the North Square during the day or weekday night on Saturday and Sunday. Soon, I met many children and their parents. We chatted and shared our experience with children and all kinds of life trivia. Slowly, I can call out the names of more than 40 children. The community is absolutely nanbowan: 2 sissy, 2 fruit, 2 silence, 2 Yueyue, 2 Doudou, Tutu, Kaikai, pepper, Dandan, Bobby, rice, millet, sugar, Ruiya, Haoran, Aoran, Bangbang, Shenshen, Babao, Qianyu, Qianxun, Yangyang, Chenchen, Siman, Shilin, Yu Xi, Xinxin, Yonglin, Ruirui, en en, Xiaomei, Jingjing, Rongrong, Yuanyuan, Xuanxuan, meat, Xinxin, Hengheng, Qiqi, Yongwei, Tongtong, there are also many foreign children and mixed race children.

Unconsciously, five years have passed and the children have grown up. In these five years of unconscious company, we have observed that each child‘s personality characteristics, ways of doing things and emotional expression are different. For example, Kai Kai, one year younger than Shanshan, is silent every time he comes downstairs. Like an outsider, he silently looks at what happens between children and even adults in the square, although he doesn‘t speak, He knew exactly what had happened, the story, and who was right and who was wrong; Silent is Shanshan‘s kindergarten classmate. He is very cute and lively. His two legs swing back and forth under the small skirt, like a perpetual motion machine. As soon as he goes downstairs, he will find Shanshan. The two children run around without a moment‘s rest. Xiaomei is also very lively, but she has a little boy‘s character and is a little cheerful. Sometimes she talks like a roar, sometimes she leads other children to scream loudly in dolphin voice, which is similar to the G7 scale of soprano, which will last for a long time; Meat, like a little chivalrous man, such as the children‘s day, she said she would give gifts to every child in the District, so she bought her a big bag of biscuits. Shen Shen, it‘s said that he inherited grandpa‘s childhood characteristics and likes to beat other children. He usually likes to watch automan. It‘s broken. Every time he goes downstairs, he often carries automan‘s plastic weapons, axe and machete. Whenever he poses and tilts his head and eyes at other children, he is ready to fight. Our adults immediately warn him not to beat people, It‘s wrong to hit people. Once, Kai Kai was playing with his father and standing in the arms of his bent father. Maybe Shen Shen took a plastic axe and cut Kai Kai‘s head in order to express his love for everyone‘s activities or want to express a sense of participation. In an instant, we looked silly!; Shen Shen is not the only one who likes to beat people in the community, but also a little girl Xi Xi. Xi Xi is really powerful. She often takes the initiative to repair all the boys of the same age in the community. It‘s natural for Shanshan to ride a bicycle to hit Shanshan‘s small electric car and kick Shanshan. As soon as she appears, our parents get nervous immediately; Jingjing, smaller than Shanshan, is also very powerful. She never takes the initiative. However, if any naughty boy annoys her, she will fight back with a serious and resolute expression, which is not vague at all.

Summary 3. Children have different personality characteristics.

I often take Shanshan down to play. Many children know me. They greet me at the meeting. Several of them are very right with me. The first time I saw Xinxin was that she had just learned to walk. She was white and tender. She hobbled to me from her mother. She looked up at me. I stretched out my hands and said, come on, let my uncle hug. She was very happy to let me hug and didn‘t cry at all. Qiqi was about her age. She opened her arms to me, ignored me quietly and walked away. I held her on my lap as soon as she could walk. As soon as I let go, she walked away without noise. There is Chihiro, one year older than Shanshan. Every time she goes downstairs to play with her brother Chihiro, she always smiles first. She runs to me, says hello to me and asks me, uncle, what are you doing? And Yang Yang, the little boy, was wronged once. I comforted him. From then on, every time I went downstairs to play, the way to greet me was to hold me all at once and introduce his funny things to me. Although there are many children of the same age in the community, they are unknowingly divided into several groups. For example, Ruirui and en are the same size. When you see Ruirui in the square, En will appear in a moment, because they are good friends. They both made an appointment in advance and went downstairs to play together. Another example is Kaikai, Xiaojiao, Dandan and Xi Xi, who can beat people, play together every time and sign up for kindergarten together. In the same class, one day, I went downstairs and saw four of them, each with a water gun and a small water tank. The whole is like the water gun team in Star Wars. Laugh. A grandfather explained that they played well, So we bought them water guns to play with. The most interesting thing is, Xinxin children, every time they see me in the community, they say, Grandpa Shanshan, where‘s Shanshan? I corrected her and said, I‘m Shanshan‘s father. Maybe I‘m too old, ha ha.

Summary 4. Children with the same aura and similar personality play together.

In the square, the most interesting thing is all kinds of activities. At 9 a.m. every Monday, the Secretary of the grass-roots Party branch of the community and director Zhuang of the industry committee will lead everyone to hold a flag raising ceremony in the North Square. The children of the kindergarten will line up to participate in it and cultivate their patriotism from childhood.

▲ Community flag raising ceremony

One day, several of our parents sat on the national flag stage and watched the children play and play. Ruiruirui‘s father said ruiruirui would come to perform a program, so ruiruirui stood in front of the adults and sang a song "two tigers" to everyone. Before she finished, Xiaomei suddenly rushed to everyone and said that she would also perform a program and sing a song to everyone. Therefore, the adults greeted each child, Later, when the children grew up, they were not at the mercy of adults and didn‘t like performing programs. The most wonderful program in the square is led by me. That is the game of eagles catching chickens. I am the old hen. Many children are competing to be eagles, so they take turns to be eagles. At most, there are more than ten chickens behind their hips, screaming and swinging around in the square. It is very lively. Other parents have taken out their mobile phones to shoot and come down for several rounds, The children were sweating, and I was out of breath and had a hoarse accent. Later, when the children were older, I hid and let them play with eagles and catch chickens by themselves. Some like to be eagles and others like to be chickens.

At first, when the children were young, I organized everyone to run from the national flag station to the gate and then back to see who ran fast and ranked second. On the square, there was a spectacular scene. Under my organization, a group of children took their places. Before shouting "start", the children had run out and came back. Then I shouted out their ranking, the first Ruirui and the second en, and tried to consume their endless energy. Waiting for them to grow up and learn to twist cars, they will change to twist car competition; Waiting to learn how to ride a bike, so it‘s a bicycle race; No matter how long it is, it can‘t be organized. No children listen to me.

In the square, you can see various activities of children, such as basketball shooting, football playing, rope skipping, martial arts training, etc. children can play things such as twist car, double foot driven RV, balance car, small bicycle (with or without auxiliary wheels), electric three wheeled scooter, electric small car, electric small racing car, two wheeled (four-wheeled) roller skating, small basketball, small football, gyroscope, etc, There are many other strange and high-tech toys, and most of these activities need a hard small square, which can not be carried by the lawn.

▲ Children playing in the square

▲ Square sports car

Summary 5: a flat hard square can provide unlimited possibilities for children‘s activities. The lawn in the community is only suitable for children under 2 years old to toddler or walk dogs and shit. In fact, there is no need to be so tangled in the landscape design of the fire climbing site.

There are benches on the East and west sides of the square. Neatly trimmed Loropetalum chinense hedgerows are planted in the green space next to the benches. One day, the naughty Bangbang fell into the hedgerow after playing with several children. The hedgerow held him up. He lay flat on the hedgerow. He was very afraid and couldn‘t get up. He couldn‘t struggle with toys in his hand. He hummed and didn‘t know to shout for help, Just as I saw it, I quickly picked up bang bang with a smile and thought that there was such a danger of planting hedges next to the bench!

On the coastal leisure belt at the door of the house, there is a children‘s activity site at intervals. One day, I took my children to a children‘s playground. Suddenly, a 5-6-year-old boy shouted and began to cry. It turned out that several beautiful different kapok trees were planted in the green space climbing the wall. There were thorns on the tree trunk, and the thorns at the base were even very large and long. The little boy may have fun. After climbing the wall, he hugged the tree happily and felt pain when he thought about it. The parents quickly took the child to the next seat, checked the wound and comforted the child. The child cried for a long time,,,. I angrily sent a circle of friends to denounce this design that violates the principles of plant design!

There is a slide in the children‘s playground next to the community square, which is a good place for children to jump up and down. However, it would be a big mistake to think that children play according to the logic designed by adults! Basically, all children, even little girls, will climb on the cover of the slide and find out. They won‘t play the slide honestly, which is very dangerous. From my personal experience, as long as there are defects in the design of children‘s game facilities and the possibility of danger, this danger will happen!

As a famous American landscape designer said, when designing the park, keep some of the original wilderness appearance of the site, and keep abandoned tires, broken wooden boats and other items. This is often the favorite hiding place for children. There are two places in our community where children like to hide most. One is the corner between the national flag and the swimming pool behind the party construction billboard, and the other is the gap between the corner of the express cabinet. This is often a good place for children to hide from adults and play. This is the nature of children.

Summary 6: whether it is the landscape design of the park or the community, safety is the first principle, and beauty is not the first principle. Discuss beauty on the premise of ensuring safety. Children do not necessarily use children‘s amusement equipment according to the logic of adults. As long as there is a potentially dangerous design, this danger is bound to occur.

Shanshan has been playing downstairs since she was more than 2 years old. For more than half a year, she has begun to learn to speak. It‘s not what we were worried about before. He‘s just stunted. However, new situations come one after another. The 2-3 months at the end of 2019 is almost the time when I have the greatest mental pressure. Why, because Shanshan has become the first small terrorist in the community. What he has done is biting, biting in kindergarten and biting in the community.

During this time, as soon as he went crazy, he bit other children, and even some children were bitten and bled. Some parents showed me the deep tooth marks he had bitten. One day, he even made a sneak attack. Excited about playing, he suddenly ran to the silent mother standing in the square, hugged her with open arms, took a bite according to his stomach, and Momo‘s mother shouted, Squatted down on the spot. During this time, I often received complaints, and even I took Shanshan downstairs to play. The children in the square immediately reminded me that Shanshan came and made me yalishan big! Soon, this period of time passed. The children who often bite were replaced by other children. One day, when they came home, they found that Shanshan had deep teeth marks on her arm, ha ha ha.

What is more similar to Shanshan gas field is Xinxin and Xuanxuan. When Shanshan starts to drive a twisting car, she always asks Xinxin (Xuanxuan) to sit in the front or in the back, grab Shanshan‘s waist and drive together. Both little sisters like getting on the car very much. Later, he began to ride a bicycle with auxiliary wheels. When he saw Xinxin (Xuanxuan), he would invite them to get on the car, sit on the front girder and ride around. God knows how he could ride a bicycle like this. Later, with a better weapon, grandma spent hundreds of dollars on an electric car marked Porsche. The battery is of good quality and can play for two hours after charging. At first, Shanshan couldn‘t drive. She slowly learned to move forward, then learned to turn, and then learned to retreat. Then, the operation was no different from that of adults. Every time I invite my little sister and my little sister to take a ride in the car. It was originally designed as a driver‘s seat. I put another sister next to it and drive around the square. When parents see it, they say it‘s very windy. When there is no little sister, he will also ask other little boys to get on the bus and drive together. If others want to come down and don‘t play, he still doesn‘t want to. Bobby has a more cool electric car, but he can only drive for more than ten minutes after charging. He can only watch Shanshan carrying his little sister around and complain about the car with his aunt, ha ha.

Summary 7. Children at different stages of development have different ways of activities and preferences.

One day, under the national flag stage, a little sister pushed our unit‘s little Yueyue down in the nearby hedge. Yueyue couldn‘t get up and cried in the hedge. The key is that the mother of the child who pushed people doesn‘t take Yueyue out immediately, but doesn‘t worry and doesn‘t panic. She whispers softly and patiently says to her child that pushing people is wrong. Pushing people is wrong. Please apologize to her sister. Please apologize to her sister. She means to let the child apologize first, and then save Yueyue with the result of wrong behavior, To educate their children. I was very angry. I quickly took Yueyue out of the hedge and shouted to the parent to save the child first. The child was afraid. What would you do if your child was pushed down? The child and parents are not from our community. Later, I didn‘t see them again in our community. Again, Shen Shen likes beating people. I‘m afraid it‘s just that the child is still young and doesn‘t know what is right or wrong. At this time, whenever he makes a mistake, adults should tell him that it‘s wrong to do so. Say it more times, and the child will gradually have the concept of right and wrong and the concept of right and wrong. But at the beginning, Shen Shen‘s grandparents saw that Shen Shen hit other children, just stopped them and didn‘t criticize education. So I told them that adults should tell their children what is right and what is wrong, so as to correct the bad habit of beating people. After many criticisms, slowly, Shen Shen stopped beating people.

Summary 8: adults should first do it right, and then educate children about what is right and what is wrong.

▲ Impractical sunken lawn square

▲ Aunts like to dance square dance, and the design of the square is a little cramped

The above photo is the design of a street green square near my home. Because it often passes by, I specially observed it carefully. After my usual narration above, I don‘t know how you feel. First of all, the sunken lawn accounts for most of the square. After my observation, the highest utilization rate is really dogs, followed by toddlers. The utilization rate of older children and adults is not high. The spherical sculpture is 3-4 meters high and placed on the sunken lawn. It should be the scene space carefully designed by the designer. The effect drawing of the scheme must look very beautiful. However, children like to climb the sculpture ball. It is easy to fall to children. Therefore, plants are planted under the sculpture ball for isolation. Children can‘t climb, But the design intent can not be achieved. In the evening, the hard square next to the lawn has the highest utilization rate. Children play with various toys and equipment. Aunts like to dance square dance, but the main space is given to the lawn, which is a little cramped. This design feels like the design thinking of the sales office. It just meets the vision to the greatest extent. People‘s life is real and not fancy. We landscape designers should start from me and do more grounded design!

Unconsciously, I have been with my child for more than 5 years, and I can accompany my child for at most 1 year. In the process of accompanying my child, in addition to reading wechat and microblog with my mobile phone, I also used this time to recite the ancient prose and poetry I want to read, which is another harvest.

Before primary school, the child belongs to you. We should cherish the best and most precious time in life. I think the most correct and valuable thing we have done in the past five years is to seriously accompany the child for five years!

Pu Yu landscape studio Wang Juntao