Wait and see · investigation of leisure vacation in Japan - Mitsui · Xingye Resort


We will wait and see. This year, we came to Japan to investigate several famous leisure resorts in Japan, namely the central light well Ze Xingye resort in Nagano County, the southern light well Ze Prince Shopping Center (outlets) as the center, and the fushhekou Lake area in Yamanashi county. This investigation will be pushed several times. Please pay attention!


Igawa Xingye Resort

We have been paying attention to Hongxi noya, a hotel brand owned by Japan‘s Xingye group, for a long time. On October 28, 2018, we had the honor to participate in the lecture of Ms. Dong Lihui, the Royal designer of Hongxi noya, at Shekou culture and Art Center. In the lecture, Ms. Dong Lihui said that they had spent 10 years in developing Hongxi noya, including 8 years in research, The construction took 2 years. One of the most impressive words in Ms. Dong Lihui‘s lecture is that their design of Hongxi Nuoya is to consider the next 100 years, not that the hotel brand will disappear in ten or eight years.

▲ Donglihui‘s lecture at Shekou culture and Art Center

In the question session, I won the opportunity to ask questions. My question was: "young people‘s consumption concept and consumption habits will change greatly in the future. How can your current design ensure to adapt to the next 100 years?" she replied: "Japanese young people are very poor and not as rich as Chinese young people (the audience smiled knowingly) , our design is not targeted at specific customer groups. Some young people have saved money for a long time to live here. Some people like this Hongxi Nuoya, and some like that one. Different people have different hobbies. Our specific design is considered for the next 100 years. "I am not very satisfied with this answer, With this question, we specially organized this field visit to konoya, the first high-end hotel brand of Xingye group, hoping to find out the answer on the spot。

Light well Ze is in the middle of the Japanese island, about one kilometer above sea level. It was a post station in ancient times. Later, missionaries found it suitable for summer vacation. Therefore, it was built and developed, injected Western genes, and gradually developed into a world-famous leisure resort.

▲ Light well plan

It‘s very convenient from Tokyo to Mitsui. You can take Hokuriku Shinkansen at Tokyo Station in an hour and ten minutes. Shinkansen is equivalent to our country‘s high-speed railway. Japan mainly has five Shinkansen. The riding habits are slightly different from our country. On the same route, different train numbers have different names, speeds and stops. Don‘t make a mistake, otherwise you will either miss the stop, or spend a high price and take a slow train. There are two trains from Beilu Shinkansen to qingjingze, which are called "hakutaka" (White Eagle) and "Asama" (Asama). As long as you buy the trains with these two names, there is nothing wrong.

Light well Ze is divided into old light well Ze, new light well Ze, medium light well Ze and South light well Ze. Old light well Ze, as the name suggests, is the earliest block, the northernmost area about 5 kilometers away from the railway station. Xinqingjingze refers to the north area visible at the north exit of the railway station, which is developed with the construction of the railway station. Nanqingjingze is an area centered on Prince Shopping Center (outlets) on the south side of the railway station. The Hongxi Noah hotel we are going to first is zhongqingjingze, which is a resort built by Xingye group, including Yushu Street Town, stone church, plateau church and so on.

▲ Distribution map of Xingye Resort

We got off the train and looked around on the station trestle. We were immediately moved by the winter and autumn scenery. We saw the ski track on the hillside in the distance. Someone was already skiing. Take a taxi from the south exit to Hongxi Noah‘s reception station, which is equivalent to the outpost of the hotel. European and American cars and sports cars rarely seen in Tokyo and Osaka are often seen along the way. As soon as we got out of the car, we were greeted indoors. We were immediately attracted by the surrounding environment. Seeing the gurgling water behind the room, we immediately entered the role. From the interior wall of the reception station, you can see the old photos of the development history of Xingye。

The predecessor of konoya hotel is Xingye hot spring. Xingye hot spring opened in 1914 and has a history of 105 years. The hotel opened in 2005 and has a history of 14 years. 77 resort houses, including 22 villas with courtyards, are built in this dense forest covered valley.

▲ Hongxi Noah reception room

▲ Old photos of Xingye‘s development history in the reception room
After a while, the hotel car pulled us to the lobby of Hongxi Noah. We didn‘t check in until three o‘clock. We had to wait in the rest area. Without waiting, we immediately began to carefully observe the design inside and outside the hotel.

I have a basic point of view. No matter how cool the project looks in the photos, the key is people‘s real feelings in the space. Whether professionals or non professionals, as long as the space feels good, it‘s good. If it doesn‘t feel good, it‘s bad. Photos can‘t convey the real space atmosphere.

▲ 虹溪诺雅大堂

First, grab the camera and shoot the layers of stacked springs behind the lobby. This scene has been used for reference by domestic designers for countless times. Walk around from the lobby and come to the middle of the diequan spring. The fiery autumn leaves correspond to the sound of the gurgling spring, exuding the infinite charm of autumn, and can‘t help being moved by this wonderful space.

▲ Diequan at the back of the lobby

The garden workers in the same industry, with high efficiency, immediately turned around in the hotel park and carefully investigated the landscape from multiple angles.

▲ Guest rooms, streams, waterfalls and woods are closely connected

▲ Small bridge space

▲ Park path and ground

▲ Road edging

▲ feature wall

▲ Tree pool

▲ Entrance space

After two days‘ stay, we have a full understanding of the architecture and landscape design of Hongxi Noah Hotel, and also understand why Ms. donglihui said that their design should be managed for a hundred years. My feeling is as follows: first, the planning layout and single design of the whole hotel make full use of the terrain and integrate with nature. Each building, whether facing the mountain or the water, has been carefully designed according to local conditions to solve the vertical height difference, so the house types of each building are different; The second is the problem of being able to manage for a hundred years. The landscape of the whole natural park is so friendly and natural without exaggerated structures, creating a Zen spiritual atmosphere and enriching the guests‘ spiritual world. As long as this can be done, it will be more than a hundred years! There are several details. For example, at dusk, the staff rowed to the lake to light candles, and the whole park immediately entered another atmosphere space; In the hot spring room, there is a special meditation space, weak lights and mysterious music, which can make people reflect.

▲ Night view
Another interesting thing is that the next morning, I started to walk around the park before six o‘clock. After a while, I saw a group of monkeys, large ones carrying small ones, climbing over the wall and ridge from the lobby and passing through the middle of the park. It was very interesting. Hurry up and get close quietly, pick up the camera, and I was about to shoot. A staff member with an air gun shot at the monkeys, Expel them. It seems that these monkeys are regular visitors.

Since it‘s a leisure vacation, you don‘t have to be in such a hurry. During the day, we began to visit the famous scenic spots of zhongqingjingze in turn. First, follow the autumn path to the villagers‘ canteen where we had dinner last night. Next to it is Xingye hot spring Dragonfly soup. It is free for Hongxi Noah‘s guests. It is only open to Hongxi Noah‘s guests before 10 o‘clock in the day. According to the fruits in different seasons, there are apple bath and orange bath. We caught up with the orange bath.

▲ Xingye hot spring Dragonfly soup

We strolled all the way to the plateau church. From a distance, the church was a wooden building and not tall, but the staff instructed that the wedding should be held immediately and could not be visited for the time being. The plateau church is located in the depths of the woods of the star hotel bleston court in Mitsui, Japan. The huge triangular roof hangs to the ground like a magic cabin in a fairy tale. The simple and elegant wooden structure building is full of a warm atmosphere. The predecessor of qingjingze plateau church is Xingye Youxue school, which was built in 1921. Therefore, the five characters of "Xingye Youxue school" can also be seen on the door of the church. It is also the first church in Japan where newlyweds hold weddings in wedding gowns. So far, the church is also very popular with newlyweds. So we first went to the stone church and planned to come back and visit the plateau church。

▲ Hotel Bleston Court

▲ Plateau Church

Stone church and plateau church are within 5 minutes‘ walk. The stone church is also known as the kamsam naimura Memorial Hall. Kamsam naimura was the most famous thinker and missionary in the Meiji and Taisho periods of Japan. He advocates the idea of no church. He believes that "only in nature is the real place to pray". Man is a part of nature and grows together with nature. As long as he has a pious heart to pray, nature is the most suitable church. His thought was highly praised by the designer Kendrick, and the stone church is his best interpretation of this thought. The church was built in 1988. It is made of stone and glass, which is a large arc structure. Kendrick integrated "stone, light, water, green and trees" - the five basic elements of nature into the design, reflecting the design concept of "natural church". The stone represents a strong and strong man, while the glass represents a soft and delicate woman. The arch composed of stone and glass is irregularly arranged at the entrance, implying that the groom and the bride have run in due to different life backgrounds at the beginning of their acquaintance, but finally come to the church because of true love and promise the oath of love to each other. After the arrangement of the staff, everyone entered the church orderly, sat down naturally and became quiet immediately. There was no cross, no statue of Christ, and no prayer ceremony in the church. We sat quietly and tasted it, and then dispersed naturally. A Western priest walked up to the front, gently and politely thanked everyone for coming to visit, and then left. We went outside the church to take photos.

▲ Stone church area entrance

▲ Stone church

▲ Photography of stone church

Back to the plateau church, another wedding ceremony will be held soon. We said, take a thought. Next time we visit, we strolled to elm town.

Yushu street town is a small business district composed of 16 small shops. Both buildings and footpath floors are made of wood. Two rows of irregular wooden houses form a small street in the north-south direction. There are 100 huge elms planted in the town. Shops coexist with elms. Behind the shops in the East is a gurgling stream. Many people sit by the stream with coffee and listen to the sound of the stream and enjoy a leisurely time.

▲ Elm Street Town

▲ Night view of Yushu Street Town

On the morning of the third day, we collectively wore modern kimonos, ate Huaishi cooked breakfast together, and took photos in the park. With a happy mood, I specially went back to my room to change a suit of Zhongshan suit, and recited a section of Cao Zhi‘s Luoshen Fu by the river.

▲ Huaishi cuisine

Jade landscape · wait and see | please continue to pay attention!